Picture of the author Jessica DeLand

Hello, I'm Jessica DeLand

Young Adult Contemporary Fantasy Author

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Author Bio

I've been an avid reader my entire life, but I've been writing since I was in eighth grade. My English teacher did an extensive unit on creative writing where I learned the basics of how to write, opening my eyes to the fact that I could write my own stories. The following year, my older sister involved me in the collaborative storytelling she did with her friends. I got my AA in fine arts, but after writing stories with my sister for years and taking several fiction writing classes in college, I realized my passion was more in writing and editing and started to doubt whether I wanted to go into art.

With my life plans in flux, I had a few of the first chapters for different book ideas published in my community college's annual literary magazine. I even served as the head literary editor for my last year there. And when I moved on to Brigham Young University–Idaho after getting married, I went into the English program and graduated with a B.A. focused on creative writing and editing. While there, I had several pieces accepted into the 2011 and 2012 National Undergraduate Literature Conference, and I even briefly served as a panel reader for the now defunct The Zharmae Publishing Press, where I had the opportunity to screen their manuscript submissions and offer my advice.

Between moving twelve times over the last fourteen years and having four children, I wrote my first full book that I later turned into a trilogy titled Maelstrom. Over the last two years, my synopsis for Wake (Maelstrom #1) won goscribbler.com’s 2021 Synopsis Contest, I became a regular contributor to the writer support group at goscribbler.com on a blog that's since been discontinued, and one of my YA contemporary fantasy short stories was published in an anthology titled Small Shifts: Short Stories of Fantastical Transformation. Recently, my Wake (Maelstrom #1) manuscript was a finalist for the 2022 Killer Nashville Claymore Award for Best Juvenile/YA, and I made it to Round 2 of the NYC Midnight 500 word challenge in October of 2023.

I currently live in McKinney, TX, and when I’m not writing or outlining my next books, my hobbies include reading, art, car karaoke, sewing, crocheting, watching movies and select anime, going on adventures with my family, and co-op gaming of all kinds with my husband.